Labor Working Group

Charleston DSA’s Labor Working Group seeks to support the needs of workers in our community by assisting with organizing worker-led campaigns and solidarity actions. We recognize that all value is derived from labor, and we believe that true socialism must be organized from the bottom up by workers themselves.

The primacy of the capitalist wage-labor system has played a leading role in shaping our modern society in nearly every way: from the undemocratic tyranny of the workplace; to the rhythm of our days and weeks and months; to our educational, reproductive and end-of-life planning; to our access to healthcare, housing and other essentials for survival; to the physical layout of our communities and our use of precious natural resources; to the pervasive corruption of our flawed democratic institutions; to our imperialist foreign policy; to the destruction of the only livable planet we have; and so on.

Myriad forms of injustice are rooted and intertwined within the domination system we call capitalism, which is in essence a politically crafted machine elites rely on to appropriate the rightful wealth of workers.

Charleston DSA stood in solidarity with the thousands of teachers across South Carolina who walked out on May Day 2019 to demand higher pay, improved working conditions, and more resources for our struggling public school system.
Charleston DSA stood in solidarity with the thousands of teachers across South Carolina who walked out on May Day 2019 to demand higher pay, improved working conditions, and more resources for our struggling public school system.

While South Carolina is a so-called “right to work” state that is nationally viewed as not having much labor organizing to speak of, there is actually a considerable union presence locally, and our state’s labor history has clearly demonstrated the power of unions to achieve progress for all. From the early efforts of 19th-century textile workers, to the 1969 MUSC hospital workers’ strike, to the 2019 teachers’ walkout; organized labor has consistently led the way all across the Palmetto State in fighting back against capitalist oppression of the working class.

Charleston DSA endorsed the 2018 Nationwide Prison Strike and participated in solidarity rallies across South Carolina.
Charleston DSA endorsed the 2018 Nationwide Prison Strike and participated in solidarity rallies across South Carolina.

To share this legacy and celebrate its leaders, Charleston DSA has hosted community film screenings and walking tours on the rich history of labor organizing in our city. We are proud to support our local unions, and we deeply appreciate all the assistance they have provided us in our own efforts.

Our Labor Working Group currently sees Charleston-area food and beverage industry workers as our top priority for local labor organizing. While we are interested in hearing the needs of all workers, we especially encourage any workers in the local food and beverage industry to contact us about ways to fight for better conditions.

Interested in getting involved? Email [email protected]